People always say to me, "I don't know how you can think up all those things you put in your books." While it's not always easy to write a book and come up with fresh new ideas, most of my motivation comes from a single idea and then everything else just falls into place based on that idea. I mostly incorporate things I would like to see in a book and then fill in things I've done, seen, or wanted to do. Other times I use places I've been to or wanted to visit. When I write about college campuses, I always visualize URI's campus, since it's where I got my undergraduate degree. So tonight, while I was on the URI campus getting dinner with my husband and son, I saw my motivation for one of the scenes. Hadley and Caynan share an encounter on a campus quad. Before Hadley leaves, she stands near a blue security light which casts a blue glow around her. Needless to say, when I asked my husband to drive onto the sidewalk of the quad so I could get a picture, I never thought he'd actually do it--with our six year old in the backseat:-)
I'm thrilled to announce that the cover reveal for Before Hadley is on Wednesday!!! If you are a blogger who would like to do a reveal on your blog, Facebook page, or Twitter, please follow the link
So excited for everyone to see it! The release will be on Monday, March 14th. If you would like to take part in the release blitz, you can follow this link. Just finishing last minite edits. Eeeeeek! Getting nervous...Hope everyone likes it. |
March 2021